Automobile costs calculator
Your car costs
in months of possessionCosts month
Standing costs
- Depreciation of the vehicle
- Vehicle insurance and Breakdown cover
- Car finance
- Vehicle inspection (MOT test)
- Vehicle Excise Duty (Car tax)
Running costs
- Fuel
- Maintenance
- Repairs and improvements
- Parking
- Tolls
- Traffic tickets
- Washing and cleaning
Standing costs
Running costs
CostsRunning costs per distance
In total per distance
Standing costs
Running costs
Financial effort
Net income per year vs Total costs per year for automobile
- Net income per year
- Total costs per year for automobile
per year
Equivalent transport costs, considering you don't own a car
Your car costs vs Public transports for your family daily life vs Uber
- Your car costs
- Public transports for your family daily life
- Taxi transportation
- Other public transports
- Uber
- Other public transports
Monthly amount
Monthly amount